King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard have announced a “Bootlegger” program, further proving the band’s desire to pave its own path. While some bands go after those who sell bootleg copies of albums or live performances, King Gizzard are encouraging it.

Related: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard Share New Single, “If Not Now, Then When?” [Watch]

“Yo indie labels, bootleggers, fans, weirdos. We’ve got a deal for ya,” the band wrote in a post to its website.

The post continued, “If anyone wants to release these albums, you’re free to do so. Below you’ll find links to audio master files and cover art. Feel free to get creative with it if you like – it’s yours. Only deal is you’ve gotta send us some of them to sell on GIZZVERSE.COM – whatever you feel is a fair trade is cool with us.”

Along with the post, King Gizzard attached download links for the master files of nine albums and official soundboard recordings. Included were the band’s debut album, Teenage Gizzard, as well as Live In London ’19Demos Vol. 1 and Vol. 2Live In Asheville ’19Live In Brussels ’19Live In Adelaide ’19Live In Paris ’19, and Polygondwanaland. King Gizzard included a special note with the Polygonwanaland assets that read, “The original free bootlegger album. You don’t have to send us copies of this. It’s free-free as in free. Send us some if you want though!”

Check out the full post and download master copies of the albums and soundboard recordings here.