Midnight North has canceled a series of upcoming shows following a health update from Elliott Peck. The singer-guitarist announced that her doctors found a tumor in her abdomen, the results of which they are still waiting on, and that she will take a hiatus from the band to seek treatment.
“I’m writing to share some difficult news,” Peck wrote in a statement. “Last week I was admitted to the hospital after experiencing severe stomach pain. After getting a CT scan, the doctors determined I have a large tumor located in my abdomen. While I’m still waiting for the biopsy results, I will regardless have to have a pretty complex surgery to remove the tumor. Unfortunately this will be putting me on hiatus from touring & local shows while I get through this process & recover. Please send all your positive thoughts & prayers as I work through this difficult time. I deeply appreciate your kindness & support.”
As a result, Midnight North has canceled its upcoming shows in Burlington, VT on February 29th, Saratoga Springs, NY on March 1st, Boston on March 2nd, and Portsmouth, NH on March 3rd. Additionally, the band will pivot its co-headlining shows with The Mother Hips to Grahame Lesh & Friends shows and will be “doing our best to fill the air with musical healing energy.” Those shows are on March 7th in Washington, D.C., New York City on March 8th, Woodstock, NY on March 9th, and Syracuse on March 10th.
“We will have more information on the rest of our scheduled dates in the Spring in the coming days and weeks,” the band added in a statement of its own.
Read the statements from Midnight North and Elliott Peck below. Get well soon, Elliott!
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