Former LCD Soundsystem frontman James Murphy has opened a wine bar in Williamsburg along with his wife, Christina Topsøe. The Four Horsemen is located at 295 Grand Street, two blocks away from the Knitting Factory. The new establishment opened this past Sunday, June 7th.

Bon Appetit calls it “minimalist and homey,” with white and natural wood interiors. The music is also an integral part of the decor, with absorbent cedar slats on the ceiling and burlap walls.

“You can buy $20,000 speakers, but put them in a room that’s not right and it sounds terrible,” Murphy said. “If you buy $20 speakers and put them in a room that’s tuned right, it’ll sound great. Imagine the wall was a mirror. If you shone a flashlight on it, the light would bounce right back in your face. If that mirror that was a bumpy, chaotic surface like a disco ball, the light would disperse and go all over the place.”

James Murphy Talks LCD Soundsystem

Four Horsemen is open at 5:30 daily, and the kitchen closes at 11 PM. For the more nocturnal folk, you can catch Murphy DJing at Output on June 19th.