On November 6th, the new SpongeBob SquarePants musical hits Broadway. Written by Kyle Jarrow and co-conceived and directed by Tina Landau, the musical follows the happenings in Bikini Bottom with many of our favorite characters from the beloved Nickelodeon cartoon making appearances including our favorite sponge, his best friend Patrick, Squidward, Mr. Krabs, Plankton, Sandy Cheeks, and more. Inherently, the show—and by extension the musical—is absurd. The upcoming Broadway production features a whimsical plot about volcanoes, a rock band, and a convoluted plan for SpongeBob and his friends to save Bikini Bottom from destruction.
A SpongeBob SquarePants Musical Is Coming With Original Tunes From David Bowie & More
Last week, NPR Music gave people the first listen to the official cast recording of the soundtrack to the SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical, and it’s truly something else (and as NPR notes, “You certainly do not need to understand [the plot of the musical] in order to understand the album”). While the original cast members from the musical recorded the numbers on the soundtrack, the most hilarious thing about the album is the long list of famed musicians who helped write original numbers for the musical.
The third number on the album, “No Control”, is a dark, synthy tune that kicks off with a chorus repeating “The end is coming” over and over again. Who wrote such a over-the-top and heavy tune for a children’s musical about literal sea sponges you might ask? None other than David Bowie and Brian Eno. From there, the credits on the SpongeBob SquarePants soundtrack becomes increasingly surreal, with the album featuring songs written by T.I., Panic! at the Disco, Cyndi Lauper, The Flaming Lips, Steven Tyler and Joe Perry, John Legend, They Might Be Giants, Alex Ebert (the lead singer and frontman for Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes), Lady Antebellum, Sara Bareilles, the Plain White T’s, Yolanda Adams, and more.
The soundtrack for SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical comes out on September 22nd via Masterworks Broadway. Until then, you can take a listen to this assortment of Bikini Bottom-themed songs from a ridiculous crew of musicians on NPR Music, and check out the song listing from the musical below.
SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical Act I
“Bikini Bottom Day” by Jonathan Coulton – SpongeBob and Company
“No Control” by David Bowie and Brian Eno – Perch Perkins and Company
“BFF” by Plain White T’s – SpongeBob and Patrick
“When the Going Gets Tough” by T.I. – Plankton, Karen and Company
“Just a Simple Sponge” by Panic! at the Disco – SpongeBob and Ensemble
“Daddy Knows Best” by Alex Ebert – Mr. Krabs and Pearl
“Hero Is My Middle Name” by Cyndi Lauper – SpongeBob, Patrick, and Sandy
“Super Sea Star Savior” by Yolanda Adams – Patrick and Sardines
“Tomorrow Is” by The Flaming Lips – Company
SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical Act I
“Poor Pirates” by Sara Bareilles – Patchy and Pirates
“Bikini Bottom Day Reprise 2” by Jonathan Coulton – SpongeBob and Gary
“Bikini Bottom Boogie” by Steven Tyler and Joe Perry – The Electric Skates
“Chop to the Top” by Lady Antebellum – Sandy and SpongeBob
“(I Guess I) Miss You” by John Legend – Patrick and SpongeBob
“I’m Not a Loser” by They Might Be Giants – Squidward and Sea Anemones
“Just a Simple Sponge Reprise” by Panic! at the Disco – SpongeBob
“Best Day Ever” by Andy Paley and Tom Kenny – SpongeBob and Company
“Bikini Bottom Day Reprise 3” by Jonathan Coulton – SpongeBob and Company
“SpongeBob SquarePants Theme Song” by Derek Drymon, Mark Harrison, Stephen Hillenburg and Blaise Smith – SpongeBob and Company
[Photo: Joan Marcus]