KNOWER, the viral electronic duo comprised of Louis Cole and Genevieve Artadi, has released the group’s first album in ten years, KNOWER FOREVER, exclusively on Bandcamp until further notice.

“We’re putting out our new album on June 2nd and we’re not going to put it on any streaming services or Spotifys or any of that crud,” Cole announced earlier this week. “It’s just going to be available on our Bandcamp only for like four to six months because we’re honestly trying to make some money on this for like four to six months and those other services don’t really, you know, pay very well. So we’re trying this out.

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“Eventually it’ll be everywhere, you know, after four to six months we’ll put it everywhere. If you don’t wanna spend the $9 on it or whatever it is, fair enough. So that’s what we’re gonna try to do. June 2nd, that’s our new album, available only on our Bandcamp. You can buy it vinyl or digital, whatever you need. And if you buy the album and then you put it on YouTube you’re a piece of crap and I will kill you.”

For now, the three singles from KNOWER FOREVER are the only songs available to stream for free. The first single, “I’m the President” seemed to signal a return to KNOWER’s roots in more ways than one. Aggressively funky and unashamedly silly, the song arrived much like KNOWER’s viral hits “Overtime” and “Time Traveler”, with a video showing a live band, including a horn section, set up throughout a house-turned-makeshift-recording-studio.

KNOWER – “I’m The President”

The second single, “The Abyss” featured MonoNeon on bass, but again sounded very much like classic KNOWER with its explosive drum breaks, stabbing synths, and angelic vocals by Artadi, not to mention a flurry of mind-bending instrumental solos.

KNOWER – “The Abyss”

Along with the album’s release, KNOWER shared the third and final single, “Crash the Car”, which is quite different from the other two. Featuring a full choir, strings, brass, and even a flutes section, the song reflects the work on Louis Cole’s recent, increasingly ambitious solo albums. With breathtaking melodies and epic orchestration, it highlights how far Cole has come as a composer and producer since forming KNOWER more than a decade ago.

KNOWER – “Crash The Car”

KNOWER FOREVER is available now only via KNOWER’s Bandcamp. Click here for more information.