Sesame Street‘s star characters have officially made their debut on NPR‘s Tiny Desk Concert series. On Monday, the music arm of the news media outlet shared the latest episode of its intimate, live performance series, which features some of the beloved children’s shows favorite characters, including Big Bird, Bert and Ernie, Rosita, Abby Cadabby, Elmo, Grover, and Cookie Monster.
Related: Midnight North Shares NPR ‘Tiny Desk Contest’ Submission [Watch]
The characters were at the NPR offices in Washington, D.C. as part of a national promo tour celebrating 50 years of Sesame Street educating children and families through music, television and beyond in 2019. The entire NPR staff gathered around Bob Boilen‘s desk in hopes of getting a good spot to see and hear their favorite characters perform six tunes with the help of some special guests. The taped performance also featured help from human musicians John Deley (keys), Rob Jost (bass), and Michael Croiter (drums).
Songs included in the man-powered puppets’ (often referred to as “Muppets”) Tiny Desk performance included “People In Your Neighborhood”, “What I Am”, “Sing After Me”, “Medley”, “Sing”, and of course, the show’s familiar theme song, “Sunny Days”.
Watch the entire episode below.
Sesame Street: Tiny Desk Concert
[Video: NPR]
The music team over at NPR recently revealed their carefully-chosen winner for its 2019 Tiny Desk Contest as a singer named Quinn Christopherson from Anchorage, AK. Christopherson’s next stop will be the NPR offices in Washington, D.C., where he’ll get to star in his own Tiny Desk performance.